

Radio Advertising

Get the best radio advertising rates & reach customers by the power of audio

  • Medium with the Strongest call to action & with easier local targeting.
  • Theater of Mind – Helps you create an impression with the use of audio.
  • Time band selection with options of morning & evening drive times.
  • Image

    Increase your sales by 10X with multiplex advertising CONTACT US

    Cost-effective medium, Low Avoidance rate, Increased purchase intent

    Maagh helps you create radio ads with personalized strategies, monitor its performance & optimize efforts for effective results. Help you create memorable listening experiences with tactful radio strategies to boost your company’s profitability. Radio advertising cost optimisation by use of RAM data data & NRS/ILT reports setting your goals for a greater ROI. Get the best radio ad rates today.


    Maagh elevates the standards of radio advertising by generating great ideas to utilize radio time-bands. We advise clients on, how each time-band will benefit them and what kind of audience can be reached in every slot. Offering Morning & Evening as the prime time slots & afternoon as the non-prime slot. With the highest rates to performance ratio, we suggest clients which slots are perfect for their products/services & help them get the best ROI out of the slot booked with diverse possibilities.


    Jingle commercials

    Providing repeated playback of catchy jingles, ideal music genres, appropriate length of the jingle, right time slots for jingles.


    Offering RJ Mentions

    Offering RJ mentions based on your product or service. We explore innovative ways in which the RJ mentions your brand name, increasing the chances of sales.


    Radio Shift

    Help you to drive traffic to your brand, store or events you may be hosting, we suggest studio shift wherein the RJ broadcasts the show out of a location that you decide.


    Radio Contests

    We enable you to run interesting radio contests that can get the best responses. We promote your contests to expand the kind of audiences you can reach.


    Sponsorship Tags

    Offering sponsorship tags which accounts in TG’s interests, to help you sponsor various programs on radio & capture the complete essence of listenership.


    Time Check, RoadBlock

    Sponsoring time checks at regular intervals reminding travellers of your brand & Updating riders of approaching roadblocks & plugging in brand names for the update.

    Partner with the Top Media Advertising Firm CONTACT US

    Radio networks Maagh partners with
